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Our company, RENA MEKATRONİK, was established in 2017.

Our Vision

To provide the quality, control, reliability and continuity of the services we provide in relation to our fields of activity.

Our mission

  • Fulfilling our social responsibilities to improve the quality of life of all people and using technology for the development of humanity,
  • Being honest with our customers, suppliers and employees,
  • Developing our activities within the framework of economic development, environmental protection and social equality,
  • Creating human resources that produce innovative solutions with their training and experience, questioning that they are a member of the team and constantly developing,
  • Existing to produce, implement and develop solutions,
  • We do what it should be, not our best.
  • Satisfying the customer by exceeding customer expectations,
  • Adding value to our corporate commercial activities and individual relations,
  • Being an institution that connects its activities to systems and standards and working with a central democratic management approach within the institution.

Our values;

To be fair
Service Oriented
Environmental awareness
Team spirit
Respect for Human